
Welcome to ReturnSPFD. This site is brought to you by concerned residents of Stone Park, seeking to have emergency services reinstated in our municipality.
So how did we get here?
How do emergency services get removed from a densely populated community with a high percentage of essential workers during a pandemic?
Good questions and questions many ask yet there's no "clear" answer. On April 15, 2020, at the near beginning of the pandemic, the Mayor and the Village Board of Stone Park, decommissioned the Stone Park Fire Department of over 70 years and contracted out the services. At a time when emergency services are needed the most, during a pandemic! The Village of Stone Park claims budgetary constraints, yet the "Timeline" tells another story. Click on the dates on the "Timeline" to view the information and you decide. You don't have to live in Stone Park to support our efforts. To show your support SIGN THE PETITION on the TAKE ACTION page.
(click on dates to see detail)
Petitions for Union 700 representation filed.